Our Industry is Facing a Crisis

Reports show that over 300,000 accountants and auditors have left the industry in the last two years alone, and colleges are seeing 36% fewer accounting grads compared to 12 years ago.

The need for talent is not slowing down. In fact, The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts an average of 136,400 job openings for accountants and auditors every year for the coming decade.





Today more than ever, we must be smart about attracting, educating, and mentoring talented new professionals.

Let’s keep our industry strong.

At Scouts Talent, we’re committed to building up our future workforce—and we’re making you part of the solution. With every consultant placed, we help sponsor an accounting class for a student at Metropolitan State University. You’re helping us make a big difference in individual lives while we help support a solid future for our industry.

Make a Difference with Us.

With every consultant placed, we help sponsor an accounting class for a student at Metropolitan State university.

Some groups are talking about this workforce crisis, but few people are doing anything about it.

Katy, Consultant

We need more talented accounting professionals joining the workforce, and we have to find ways to be more resourceful.

Barbara, Professor


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