5-Second Infographics
Scouts Talent is curious how our clients and consultants adapt to changes and challenges. Here’s the entire collection of our “5-Second Infographics.” Be sure to check back here or sign up to receive our updated market feedback in your inbox.
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CEO’s plans for remote workers
Over three-quarters of CEOs in the US intend to bring back their traditionally on-site roles — a significant increase from the 34% of fully in-office jobs in 2024.
What Feels More Secure – Consulting or Traditional Careers?
As we consider the recent, massive transitions in the traditional workforce resulting from the pandemic and lingering Great Resignation, we wonder what feels most secure to workers? As people are pursuing independent work now more than ever, it’s not surprising that 2/3 of the
Underlying Motivation for Choosing a Role
Sharp talent is sparse, and companies are competing to attract talent. We sought to find out what the underlying motivation is for talent when choosing one role over another… “I would rather have the option to work remotely or a hybrid schedule than higher pay.” “No
Ample Opportunities
Job seekers and consultants are enjoying the benefits of the tight recruiting market in terms of numbers of opportunities available and a faster interview process. We have heard consistent trends from our clients and candidates… “I’m finding more clients are willing to accept part-time hours.” “Although
Candidates Comparing Multiple Roles
We have all heard how tight the labor market is, and from the candidate standpoint it can be overwhelming. In this tight recruiting market, there have never been so many job opportunities available for finance and accounting consultants. At any given time, most consultants
Consultants Decline Most Perm Offers
We recently shared that consultants are offered a permanent position while on a project with a client almost 70% of the time, but those offers are only rarely accepted. Below consultants share some of the top reasons why they turned down the offer to
Consultants Frequently Eyed for Perm Hires
Consultants are placed in opportunities where their strongest skills shine. Through their work they are integrated into a team, system, and culture. It’s only natural then; they are approached to convert to a permanent role at the client company. With the current tight talent
Consultants’ Job Satisfaction Level
The role of a consultant has evolved over the years. It’s now seen as a respectable career path, and for some, it’s the only option that offers flexibility and on-going challenge. As we surveyed the market, we were curious to hear how fulfilling work
Consultants’ Top Pet Peeves
While opportunities are significantly increasing for consultants, we were curious to learn how the onboarding process feels from their perspective. We were surprised by what we heard from the market as they shared their reflections, including their pet peeves when starting on a new